Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"fuck tha police" is a cultural slogan, it's not a threat to power or a statement of defiance. it's a multi-million dollar industry. it's the status quo.

what this actually is is just another example of kathleen wynne putting her foot in her mouth. and, the more she insists on appealing to some imaginary concept of a silent majority, the more her numbers collapse.

the reality is that her moral indignation at a "fuck tha police" sign probably just cost her 3-5 points in downtown toronto, where she needs to win to avoid annihilation. and, she probably doesn't understand why she sounds racist when she says what she's saying.

sadly, the dog whistles are coming from kathleen wynne this election, not from doug ford. and, there's some sad underlying truth to it: the liberals are the party of upper-class white torontonians, and don't seem to really understand the world from outside of their bubble.

they've been doing this since before the election. and i pointed out here quite a while ago that the party has this weird conservative streak, and that it could very well be a wildcard in the election.

wynne needs to be trying to win the votes of the people she just alienated by attacking a slogan at the heart of their movement. and, she's not remotely cognizant of what she just did.