Saturday, June 30, 2018

i'm the kind of person that signed myself into icq and msn as "away", and disabled chatting over facebook.

but, see, this is why i don't pay for phone service: if i had a phone connected to an sms server, i would either disable the feature or turn the phone off. i legitimately do not see the use-value of owning a phone when you can have a laptop; but, i actively do not want to be texted at. so, why pay for something i don't want?

but, like, don't think i'm missing out on something. i don't have the slightest interest. sorry. if i did, i'd figure it out. i'm sure there's some way to text via browser. i mean, you can basically do that over facebook, right? but, i've disabled it. because i don't want to be annoyed by it...

i'm a cusp baby, but i'm very gen x in this sense, where a lot of people older than me aren't: i don't want to be constantly connected to the people around me. i want privacy. i want to disconnect; i remember when you had to dial in, i remember when you could disconnect. i would actually find the premise of being awoken by a text message to be deeply invasive. so, interpret this as a generation gap, because that's what it actually is.

if i had a partner trying to contact me by phone, i'm the type that would tell them i'm busy and turn my phone off. and then probably no longer have that partner - but not be upset, because i don't want somebody bothering me every ten minutes when i'm trying to fucking read.

i've made myself difficult to contact in real time precisely because i don't want to be contacted in real time. i want to make a plan ahead of time. and, when i don't want to be disturbed, i really mean it.