Friday, June 1, 2018

the contemporary idea amongst liberals - which nobody on the left considers to be on the left - is that you should implement this idea of multiculturalism, where you have all of these tribal identities in coexistence with each other, and i guess they just ignore their differences and live in harmony (even when evidence is clear that they don't).

but, that's not the abolition of racism. that is the definition of a society that has institutionalized and normalized racism. and, i'm not going to write this essay - i'm just going to ask you to think it through carefully.

when you have a society where muslims and jews and christians and atheists are all segregated, that is what racism is. and, that is the multicultural model in canada: the institutionalization and normalization of racism under the banner of 'multiculturalism'. and, so it's natural that you attack the anti-racist activist as a racist. that's the world we live in, today.

what abolishing racism means is abolishing race as a concept, which science has already done. but, that's impossible when you have these ethno-religious identities enforcing it from childbirth and the state sanctioning it or looking the other way.

the leftist vision is not one where we pretend to ignore our differences, it's one where we evolve past them together; it's not a world where we accept each other's superstitions, but one where we leave them behind and move forward together.

again: i'm not telling you what to think. not exactly. we can have competing visions and try to convince each other of their correctness. but, i'm asking you to be more careful in how you categorize yourself, and more careful in how you categorize others.