Monday, August 27, 2018

i need to be as clear as i can about this.

my lifestyle does not allow for me to live in a rooming house. and, i'm not talking about my sexuality - i haven't had sex in years, and have been under chemical castration for nearly the entire period. i'm just not sexually active. at all. i mean the hours i keep, and the way i spend my time.

any roomate would instantly feel snubbed, as i basically wouldn't talk to them. i'm often up all night. i eat at 3:00 am. i shower randomly. i'm in and out at all times of the day and night. etc.

and, i'm not going to change to conform to somebody else's schedule. i'm not going to pretend i care about their lives. and i'm not going to spend any time with them.

there is a 100% chance that i'm going to get into a fight with any roomate.

i would rather live in a coffee shop for a few months than force myself into a schedule and a lifestyle that i don't want.