Monday, August 27, 2018

no, listen.

it would be racist if i were to tell you that you have to be a certain way because you are of a certain ethnicity, or i were to treat you a specific way based on the statistical majorities present in groups you may identify with. assuming you must be religious because you're an arab is an example of racism.

i don't do do that: i assume you're innocent. that is, i assume apostasy. and, then i wait for you to incriminate yourself, or demonstrate otherwise.

but, criticizing a religion itself is not racist. generally, liberals have been exceedingly critical of religion, and sought to minimize the public influence of religion in society. nor is treating you differently because you subscribe to certain religious beliefs in any way discriminatory, as those beliefs are legitimately things i do not like - and that i have every intent to stand up against.

speaking out against islam is not racism, it's liberalism.

but, making generalizations about your beliefs based on your ethnicity is racism, and i won't do that.

so, i'm not being two-faced. i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. and, if you remove it, you can be sure that my attitude will change rather quickly.

...because i'm fully aware that the problem, here, isn't whether i accept you or not, but whether you accept me or not. and, i'm fully cognizant of the reality that, if you're a practising muslim, then you don't - and that this is where the discrimination actually exists, at the heart of the religion, itself.