Tuesday, December 4, 2018

the old tory elite in this country needs to get it through their thick fucking heads.

this is not a christian country - this is a secular democracy.

canadians are not mulroney conservatives - they're pearsonian liberals.

and, these policies are unpopular.

and, what is the purpose of pretending otherwise? what is the use of tarring the policies of previous liberal governments as "populist", while pushing this fake plastic idiot in front of us, with a giant L on his forehead, and trying to trick us into thinking he's some kind of "progressive", when everybody with eyes and ears can see and hear that he represents the tory elite, and the upper class status quo?

every other country in the industrialized world has rejected these policies. by continuing to hold to them, we are simply asserting our own backwardsness.

we're the country that is holding to the past; we're the society that is refusing to change. it is trudeau that represents the forces of stagnation, here.

i think the liberals are going to get annihilated in the next election if they don't course correct. if trudeau wants to be mulroney 2.0, he's going to suffer the same fate.

and, the thing i can't figure out is what the point of it is, other than simple stubbornness.