Wednesday, February 13, 2019

so, why is israel so important in american politics? is it because of money? aipac? jewish bankers?


the money flows the other way - we send them money. billions. and, the money that israel gets for "self-defense" is a downpayment on america's ability to control the region's oil supply. this is a policy that was designed by henry kissinger during the nixon presidency.

if you're concerned about gaza, and recognize that israel is only able to act with impunity because it is following american dictates, then you need to look at the root cause, which is the policy put in place by kissinger. it has nothing to do with benjamins, with aipac, with jewish bankers or even with the evangelical right - it is a harsh realpolitik around controlling the oil. reversing israel's impunity means reversing america's strategic reliance on middle eastern oil imports.

the best way to help people in gaza is to support renewable energy projects in the united states. and, that may very well mean asking some jewish bankers for some interest-bearing loans.