Thursday, March 28, 2019

a few words about the russia report...

i actually really don't know the details, as i interpreted the thing as a distraction from the start and haven't bothered with it. and, it's not even the kind of drama i'd be interested in following for the fun of it; frankly, i find the whole thing terribly boring.

but, it must follow that i couldn't possibly think the findings of the commission are meaningful, given that i don't think the commission itself was genuine; if they had found him guilty, i wouldn't have taken it very seriously, either.

i was actually expecting a finding of guilt, given that my analysis of the situation is that it was intended as a cover-up. i have been pointing out since mid-2016 that i think that the american deep state stole the election for trump, but that it was less about being pro-trump and more about being anti-clinton. so, i immediately wrote off the russia thing as a way to cover that up. it made sense to me that the next step would be to remove trump and put pence in.

it might be that my entire analysis was wrong - although it sure looks predictive, in hindsight. why didn't they find him guilty, then? well, they may have changed their minds. they may have decided that trump is actually a useful puppet. they may be anxious about the democratic field. they may have questions about the electability of mike pence. they may have just punted until after the election. i don't know. and, it may become obvious over time, or it may be obscured forever.

i am surprised by the results of the report, though - not because i think there was actually collusion, but because the purpose of the investigation was clearly to take him down.