Thursday, March 21, 2019

again, people don't know their left from right.

gun control is not a liberal or left-wing approach to addressing gun violence, but rather the most right-wing, conservative and authoritarian approach in the list of options.

leftists understand that social problems are not a consequence of supply and demand, but ultimately rooted in the way we're socialized to adopt certain attitudes and perspectives. as gun violence is a social problem, it's solution lies in the adoption of social programs to change how we think about guns, as well as in how we interpret each other.

conservatives think we need more laws and rules to keep us in order; leftists think we need a social revolution to change how we think.

while leftists may consequently oppose or support gun control for other reasons, the argument that gun control reduces violence is entirely disqualifying on the left of the spectrum - it is a statement of total, utter conservatism, and marks anybody repeating it as existing firmly on the right of the spectrum.

i've made my views crystal clear on this over a long period: i do not oppose gun control because i don't like being around guns anyways, but i firmly reject the conservative narrative around gun control as a causal effect on violence.