Monday, April 29, 2019

i want to be clear about a point, if it wasn't: i don't smoke inside. ever. and, i never did.

in seven months, i have smoked precisely nothing inside of this basement. i smoked precisely nothing in the previous apartment. and, while i may have repurposed the back area into a smoking space in the last apartment, it was behind a door with heavy weatherproofing and very effectively isolated from the rest of the apartment. in the four and a half years i was there, i smoked precisely nothing inside of the apartment itself.

so, when i had my little binge last week, i took a walk whenever i had a smoke.

there's two reasons i do this.

1) i spend roughly 98% of my time sober. therefore, i don't want to be around drugs or cigarettes roughly 98% of the time. it follows that i wouldn't want to smoke in my apartment, for the reason that the residue it leaves behind is, in fact, absolutely fucking disgusting. by going outside to smoke - in fact taking a walk around the block - i'm able to keep all of the disgusting chemicals in marijuana and tobacco smoke outside of my living space, where i spend almost all of my time in a starkly sober state.
2) i'm asthmatic. second-hand smoke makes me hack like a cancer patient. it's unpleasant.

so, yes, i was smoking pot last week...


and, in fact, down the street.