Sunday, April 28, 2019

i've crossed over that bridge a thousand times in all kinds of states, on foot and on bike, and i've never seen it like that.

the fact is that we got a lot of snow this year and this is largely a consequence of runoff. the high amount of snow may have been partially a consequence of increasing amounts of precipitation, but the fact that it came down as snow, and then sat, isn't predictive of the long term effects of climate change in this particular region. if these increased amounts of precipitation increasingly fall as rain, or at least don't build up into piles of snow and then melt, the river may end up a little deeper year round but this kind of thing will end up avoided.

regardless, it's a reminder of just how much water runs through the valley, and how swamped the region is going to end up if faced with increasing amounts of torrential rain in the summer, which is the real concern. this region wasn't built with the expectation of weathering tropical storms....

getting out of ottawa may have been a better idea than i really realized.