Sunday, April 28, 2019

i just also want to point something out about posts for september and maybe october and it's that gmail empties your recycle bin for you after a certain amount of time. i didn't realize that....

i did save a substantial number of occupy-related posts over 2011-2013, and they will come up in the alter-reality some time after 2031. but, archiving is so time consuming. i noticed that the files i wanted were saved in my email and decided they were safe there. they weren't....

so, i lost a substantial amount of my own posts to the various groups i was a part of, while maintaining a number of conversations about those posts.

i've decided to post these conversations out of context, rather than discard them, but unless i can find these posts somewhere (and i've already looked everywhere.) you're going to have to read between the lines regarding what they're actually about.