Sunday, April 28, 2019

so, i've finished posting up until the end of august, 2013. i'm going to need to cross-reference it and recheck it, so the story will alter a little bit, but it's up in it's basic form. this was lengthier than i wanted it to be - 10 days instead of 3 - but i got a lot of listening done, too. i was slowed down by sorting through event listings. i was also slowed down by the pot, which i did in fact smoke through over last weekend, and into most of last week. if you noticed i picked up a bit on thursday, the reason is that i smoked through it.

well, i didn't start the 4/20 weekend until late on saturday night, and it was a four-day weekend, so i didn't feel bad about smoking through it up until the end of tuesday. but, then there wasn't much left, so i just finished it off on wednesday night and into thursday morning.

i wanted to let it wear off a little before i commented, and i'm feeling fine now. i'm not young any more, and i have a long history with marijuana, even if i prefer to avoid it completely for 28 days out of the average month. there's nothing confusing or contradictory about that, it's just called moderation - an idea that seems to have fallen by the way side, nowadays. so, i'm not a kid trying pot for the first time, and i'm not a heavy user, either - i'm a long time moderate to sporadic user that knows what i want out of it. i made sure i got a strain with no cbd because i didn't want the stuff to pass me out like a heroin addict, and, even with getting the strongest strain of thc i could find, i have to report that the government pot is pretty weak. it was acceptable for the first couple of joints, but it fell right off after a few grams. if i was a pothead, i'd quickly find myself smoking the stuff like it's tobacco.....except that i wouldn't actually do that. i'd find a stronger strain.

tolerance is a thing that happens when you smoke too much, and the right answer is to smoke less. but, the government drugs really had the tolerance come on faster than i've ever experienced. and, i have no tolerance. so, when my tolerance clicks in after only a few days, you know it's weak pot.

the simple answer is that they need to put some stronger strains on the market if they're serious about commanding it, but for right now, for me, it means that i'll need to ensure i'm spacing it out. i should be in london again in a few weeks, to file the paperwork, and i'm sure i'll pick a few more up.

i pared the music journal down to 230 pages, from 850, although the politics side will be more than that. that's actually about twice as long as the previous journal, indicating some consistency in terms of length. that said, i'm going to cut about 100 pages out of the pdfs because it's registry scripts - i'll link to the blogspot site, instead. but, the whole thing blows up in september...

i'm going to push through until the end of 2013 before i throw myself back into the alter-reality for the entire second half of 2013. so, i'm just going to continue on with what i'm doing for a few more weeks, at least.

i will make some calls on monday morning. drs. the report from the opird should be finished by now, so i'll need to call if i don't get a good response by noon-ish.