Friday, April 12, 2019

the reason this is difficult on my end is that i don't have the processor speed. google has powerful computing abilities in the cloud, and it would make sense for them to do this there, which is what i kind of assumed.

i understand that a phone is a device with minimal storage space and that just downloading all of the drivers and letting the os work it out, like you would with a desktop, isn't feasible. further, i avoid apple products for a reason - i want more control over the device. i bought an android device because i wanted to avoid the hyper-centralized model that apple uses, but google has kind of taken this too far; this is decentralization taken past the point of collaboration, and falling off into alienation. a process that was supposed to create more user choice has resulted in less of it.

it actually wouldn't be difficult for google to automate the api through a web form and let the cloud do it, resulting in a sleek download, after a short wait. this could either be done by having the user specify the hardware specs manually, or by entering the device model. google could then check for the device, or it's specs, in a database, and return a compiled image using open source drivers.

and, it wouldn't be an abuse of the cloud - this is what a cloud is supposed to be for!

as it is, i'll figure this out. just not right now; i have better things to do.