Thursday, April 18, 2019

what politician am i most like, in terms of personality traits?

i would be a terrible politician, and i don't want to be one, and i don't know why anybody would think i would want to be one. what i am is a left-wing social activist that places the abolition of property rights as my most pressing political concern, and rejects the concept of state authority.

to be a politician, you have to be able to at least feign working in groups - something i am absolutely terrible at, regardless of context. i couldn't work in groups - even groups of two - at school. i was the kid that insisted on doing the group project by myself. i can't work with other musicians. i wasn't able to work in teams at work, either. technically speaking, the reason i live on disability is that i can't work in groups due to the presence of overwhelming social anxiety, and you have to be able to work in groups to do much of anything.

or, if you can't work as a team, you have to be a dictator, and i can't even handle ordering a pet around. sit. lay down. oh, whatever, i don't give a fuck. "power is the province of miserable pricks".

so, the answer to the question is that i don't have a personality type that is well-suited for politics, and there really isn't a very close comparison in the spectrum. i am not a politician, but a political analyst; not an actor, but an observer. so, if you want a comparison, you need to look away from the stage and more towards the sidelines, where you start seeing better comparisons: chomsky, voltaire, paine, etc.