Tuesday, September 10, 2019

and, i need to be very clear and explicit about this point: claims that i'm a police officer are ridiculous, and easily debunked by anybody who's spent more than a few minutes with me.

but, that's not the point i'm making, here. the point i'm making is that you should in general be very suspicious about people that go around calling other people cops.

because those are the actual cops.

trust me: i've been around. i've been in activist circles. i've been in party scenes. the cops are the ones that call other people cops.

and, don't get meta, because i'm not pointing specific fingers, i'm laying down a general rule.

the call that i made was with the sole intent of generating documents for then upcoming litigation. i needed documents for the case i filed against the landlord, as i needed a way to prove in court that the neighbour was, in fact, smoking drugs in the house. in canada, you can't actually get arrested for smoking drugs, anwyays - and i never intended for them to drag her away, or something. the call was a domestic disturbance complaint around an individual that was refusing to respect my rights, as a tenant, to live in smoke-free housing. and, i won the case that i generated the documents around - i don't regret it, and i'd do it again. to attempt to draw some kind of connection between making a domestic disturbance complaint against a neighbour that was being legitimately disrespectful in the face of ridiculous negligence by the landlord and being some kind of a narc is entirely specious. well, unless you think that i don't have any rights, in which case you'd be legally and morally completely fucking wrong, as demonstrated by the fact that i won the case.

again: you might not think it from seeing me out and about, but i can peg a cop, because i've been around. and, i'll tell you flat out: if there's somebody on my case about this, that person is a cop, and you should get away from them. this is how they operate, through divide and conquer.

i'm a threat. they want to alienate me.

if you're reading this, you realize that.