Wednesday, October 9, 2019

and, no, i don't want to fight a war against russia.

my enemy is not russia, it's political islam, and i'm more often than not on the russians' side with this.

i'm old compared to these kids. and, i barely remember the berlin wall falling. the cold war is a relic of the past - as meaningful to me as wwI.

the russians i've met are good people, and they don't tend to want to enforce their values on others. there's a more meaningful ally there to me than an evangelical religion that wants to take over the world.

russia has it's own problems with the rise of the orthodox church, and the kremlin has tried to accommodate this in ways i don't agree with. but, i'm not afraid of the russians erecting religious laws in canada. they're a stable global power with defined interests and a separate sphere of influence that should ultimately be respected and backed off from. i don't really have anything to fear from them.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this