Wednesday, October 9, 2019

i know it's hard to find a voice in this hyper-polarized political climate that is kind of meh on trump, but that's actually where i am; i'm agnostic on trump.

there's lots of things about trump i don't like; he's awful on the climate, to begin with.

there's lots of things, like his immigration enforcement policy, where he's mostly just carried forward with the status quo, regardless of what he's actually said. we'll see, in the end, whether he gets the title of deporter-in-chief or if we'll have to wait for the next democratic administration to surpass obama on mass deportations. the last i checked, deportations had decreased...

and there's less, but a few, things that i'm actually largely in agreement with him on. the nafta thing looks like a wash, but i would easily pick trump over clinton on foreign policy any day, and think it's a welcome change, actually, after so many years of these hawkish neo-cons in power. i've spent most of my life arguing against the hawks; i'm not going to retreat now that we're seeing some progress away from them.

it's going to be a very sad turn of events if the next democrat, whoever it is, just brings the fucking neo-cons back in. and, now that it looks like they're mostly gone, i'd suspect this is a wedge issue that isn't going away.

again: this was a ballot issue. there were many, many people that voted for trump because they didn't like clinton's hyper-aggressive foreign policy. he has a mandate to get out of syria.

i applaud him for doing it.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this