yeah, it's starting to feel like a virus, or maybe strep throat.
that's actually the better option. the other option is that i burned my throat up, but i wouldn't get a delayed reaction on that, right?
i needed some more sleep....
my sinuses seem to be mostly clear, now, which is an improvement.
i keep turning the fan off, like a fool, but the fact is that i don't want it on. i'll turn it back on at the slightest hint of anything, though.
all i want is for him to take a walk, subject to the agreement that he signed, or admit he signed an agreement in bad faith or in poor judgement and pay to get out of it. i should have a right to smoke-free housing.
i got a response on the cops' response to the human rights order in. it's mostly a sneaky way to ensure they actually filed it. i need need need to actually get to the request for review, now...
the liberals are supposed to do better than this