Tuesday, October 1, 2019

i know there's people reading this blog. lots of them.

you need to start sending me cash.

yes, you're going to get this for free anyways, but only up to the point that i can actually do it - and i need cash to exist.

so, what happens if i run into financial issues and have to....ugh.....get a job?

i'll less time to think, less time to write, less time to create and less time to party. posts will dry up. you'll lose this. the horrors.

you're supposed to buy my music, that's how this is supposed to work. that's what i want you to do. but, if you find that difficult for whatever reason, you can throw me money at patreon or even at noise trade.

i'm obviously getting something out of this, and i'll do it for free for as long as i can. there's no threat that i'm going to stop, so long as i can keep going. the question is - how long can i keep going?

the liberals are supposed to do better than this