Tuesday, October 1, 2019

so, this type of article is actually predictable, from the tory media, that is so out of touch that it doesn't know it's out of touch. i even told you that something like this would happen, that you'd get bizarre self-rationalizations to explain why the pundits were so wrong.

but, listen. i explained the reasons why canadians were unlikely to care about the types of "scandals" hitting him. blackface is an american thing; the reality is that canadians don't "get it", because it doesn't make sense in the context of our own history. i told you it wouldn't hurt him much, and it looks like it hasn't. if anything, singh seems to have taken a hit for over-reacting. and, the snc-lavalin thing was a triviality - it was just as predictable that nobody would care about that, either.

canadians want to vote on social issues, we don't want to get bogged down by stupid scandals. if you were to replace trudeau with any other politician, you'd see the same thing.

so, it's not because trudeau is special, it's because these things don't matter to people. and, in that sense, perhaps we are special - we seem to be immune to the smear campaigns in the tory media, across the board.

maybe it's because so few people read the papers?

they were able to get to wynne for some reason, and a smart media analyst could maybe try to figure that out, but it was an anomaly in this country. this kind of thing usually fails here...

so long as the conservatives remain terrible, and the ndp runs a guy that thinks he has a magic beard, and the liberals are half-ways acceptable on policy (the latter point being questionable, at the moment), these kinds of things will not hurt them.

if you want to beat the liberals, you need to beat them on policy that people actually care about. that's been true for a hundred years, and it'll probably be true for a hundred more.


the liberals are supposed to do better than this