Tuesday, October 1, 2019

so, what happened?

i fell asleep yesterday morning around 9:00 and woke up around 16:30, then didn't get to groceries until close to 19:00. i spent all night last night doing groceries - i even made it out to the all night grocery store to pick up a few things i couldn't find elsewhere, before close.

i didn't get through that facebook process.

i bought a large pizza right at 2:00, ate 60% of it (i hadn't really eaten since friday), watched a lecture on the universe being a hologram (the idea that you can embed three or four dimensional space into a two-dimensional surface goes back as far as euclid, but the mathematical truth of this construction says nothing about empirical reality - this is a typical positivist error. it's tautological, basically, and not such a deep observation, when looked at carefully. i once heard hawking argue that reality is defined as the model. ack. noooooooooooo. also, the observer effect doesn't imply that humans have laser eyes, like superman. we capture the light that already exists; we don't create it. that's not interfering with anything, a priori. but, i think susskind was just using a bad pop culture analogy there, and should be more careful about the words he chooses. it came off as hokey quantum mysticism. i think he knows that humans aren't ubermensch, that we don't have laser eyes. and, he can do the experiment with kryptonite, if he's not sure.), took a shower and fell asleep.

so, i lost a day and a half and will pick up where i left off.

i did spend a lot of last night outside, so i didn't waste the weather. and, i'm good to go on groceries for a while, now. i let myself get low on a few things the last few months. the crash in the weather means it's time to start putting nuts away for the winter....

i'll want to make sure that there's nothing tonight, but i don't see anything. and, we're looking at rain all day tomorrow. so, let's get to the legal shit, i guess.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.