Saturday, November 9, 2019

i needed to crash, clearly.

and, i need to actually catch-up and get what i'm doing finished, now.

but, i'm not thinking that expending a lot of time trying to fix the chrome os on this chromebook is worthwhile. frankly, i don't actually like the os - i don't like the unnecessary focus on security (forcing you to type in a long pass key every time you want to use it), and i don't like the limitations on installing software. it was useful for what it was while it worked, but i want more control over it.

so, i would rather just install windows, anyways.

but, if i can get a normal linux install, instead, that's a step forwards, and one i can probably compromise with.

and, i wonder if i can actually install a normal hard drive in it, or not - i have a few around.

that's in a few days. first, i want to get done what i was doing, it's more important.