Saturday, November 9, 2019

the premise that alzheimer's is a hereditary genetic condition is just not well thought through. so, it's one of those things that you can throw data at me regarding, and i'm just going to search for holes in it - i will never take the idea seriously, because it's incoherent on it's face. rather, i'm confident that i'll find the flaw in your study.

can we be born with genes that cognitively impair us from birth? yes. we have down's syndrome as an example. evolution can sometimes make mistakes.

and, can our dna get damaged as it goes to copy itself? sure. that happens all of the time. that's how some types of cancer function, and can both happen as a consequence of exposure to toxins or radiation, or just from the process fucking up.

but, does the idea of a gene that is programmed to eat our brains out from the inside when we reach a certain age actually make any sense? no. that's ridiculous.

it's caused by pollution. deal with it.