Thursday, January 30, 2020

i just got a 53 page factum from the oiprd.

the statutory limit is 20 pages.

they're taking me seriously. that's good. 

i think i got the motion faxed. i'll need to double check in the morning.

and, the coordinator at the divisional court appears to be a complete idiot, but i need to work through it. we're playing phone tag. that's fine. she's telling me that i need to canvas, and i get it, but she hasn't given me any dates to canvas with. this is what she sent me:

(1) the hearing will likely be scheduled during the week of apr-may-jun
(2) the second panel sits in the week of mar 23rd

what the fuck is the week of apr-may-jun? that is incoherent. and, if it's likely to be scheduled between april and june, of what relevance is the date in march?

so, i can't canvas until they give me some useful dates to canvas around, and the woman appears to be too stupid to realize that she needs to do it, despite explaining it to her at least five times, now.

i have to keep trying. but, fuck. how do these people get these jobs? i often wonder this. you walk around the city, and you see phd students serving coffee, and people working $60,000/yr government jobs that can barely tie their own shoes.

i will need to read this stuff tonight.