Thursday, January 30, 2020

i just want to remind people that the issue of student loan forgiveness wasn't initially presented as a moral issue, and that these contradictions that arise from approaching it as such've all lost the plot.

there is a student loan bubble that is threatening to tear down the economy. and, debt repayment is this massive deadweight loss on the economy that siphons wealth upwards at no benefit to the vast majority of people.

so, there is apparently a substantive backlash to this idea of debt forgiveness, because they feel it's unfair to good fiscal planners that did the "right thing" in saving. this is just another example of why you should avoid framing things in moral terms - that is a dumb argument, through and through, and any debate stemming from it would be dumb.

and, it's why democrats are increasingly looking more and more like the dumb party. they've been taken over by these "progressive" moral zealots that want to govern out of the back of a bible, or the footnotes of a koran.

the issue is economic, not moral. and, i'd really like to see the debate reframed in scientific terms, and these uneducated country bumpkin arguments about the moral ramifications of debt left on the side of the road where they belong....