Thursday, January 30, 2020

you can imagine i'm chomping at the bit to respond. i'm deathtokoalas, bitch. this is what i do.

i do have the ability to file something called a 'reply factum', and you can imagine that it won't take me long to do it. i just need to get the rules straight, because it seems to be invoking a set of more exotic rules that i don't fully grasp, yet.

i feel like i can win this. it seems like i've caught them off guard on a number of points; i think their factum is full of reaching arguments and awkward precedents, but what exactly i can do in the reply factum isn't clear, yet. i don't want to do this wrong; i need to get the plot right.

but, there are some deep ideological and philosophical faultlines here as well, for example around the function of certiorari, and how fundamental it is, where deference lies and even the definition of harassment. i'm unabashedly liberal on these issues, and not afraid to make arguments that might be considered unfashionable.

so, that's actually what i'm doing tonight, now.