Monday, February 10, 2020

i've been searching for post-iowa polling in nevada and can't find any.

the 15% threshold exists to force failed candidates that don't get it out. right now, that would appear to apply most directly to warren and klobuchar, who may fail to clear 15% in almost every state, or literally in every subsequent state. the party can't force them out, but it can stop them from balkanizing the vote and forcing a contested convention.

but, is biden going to clear 15% in nevada? if he has a dozen other candidates to siphon votes away from him, it might be harder than appears obvious. 

and, is buttigieg going to clear 15% in nevada or south carolina? if he doesn't, he's in trouble.

nobody should be happy about sanders getting 60% of the delegates with 25% of the vote. but, if things stay the way they are, if these awful-across-the-board candidates can't get over themselves, that's what might happen.