Friday, February 21, 2020

my understanding of the russian mentality is that what the russians would want from america is a partner - somebody that sees them as an equal, and is willing to focus mostly on diplomacy.

trump would have been preferable to clinton, certainly. but, clinton would have been particularly bad, perhaps worse than bush, from a global security perspective. she was a legit war monger.

but, that was a rare reversal. in the modern era, the candidates mostly likely to see the russians as equals exist on the democratic side. currently, i would have to expect that the russians would consider bernie sanders their best option - and not because he's a socialist, but because he's most interested in human rights.

the american narrative, across the spectrum, is essentially utterly ridiculous and pretty much complete nonsense to the core. you should know better than to take memos from the nsa at face value.

so, do i think the russians are trying to interfere in the primary on behalf of trump?

that is preposterously laughable, and you're frankly a complete moron if you believe it.