Saturday, February 22, 2020

so, i think it's starting to be more clear what they're doing.

what they've done is freeze the numbers at a specific point, to create a certain order in the results, to generate a specific type of coverage. i just watched the local las vegas tv station declare the order of the finishers, with 4% reporting. it's a farce. this is allowing the media to present their racist narrative, about "diversity".

we'll see what the numbers say in the end, but it will matter less what the facts are after the election has been framed the way the party wants it framed.

it's an old trick. the new york times does it all of the time - it posts a blatant lie on the front page, and then posts a two-line retraction on page 37 two weeks later, which nobody reads.

i think everybody expects sanders to win this thing, but to suggest he'll get 40%, let alone 55%, would be to overshoot all of the polling. and, while biden's numbers are not unbelievable in terms of polling averages, it defies belief to think so many nevadans were so stupid as to vote for a senile old man.

it's at 4%. c'mon.