Sunday, March 1, 2020

he made a lot of errors, and i guess this is the last one. i insist that he would have beaten biden overall, who has shown no ability at all to do well in states that actually matter. now, we can't know what would have happened.

but, it's reflective of the pathological stupidity within the party, on their insistence in following losing strategies and their inability to understand their own voting base. these idiots legitimately seem to think that the vote in south carolina is more predictive than the vote in iowa. because they're idiots....

i don't actually think this helps biden much of anywhere. buttigieg was mostly poling well in the rural areas, and biden gets most of his support from the rank and file in the cities. it probably helps klobuchar mostly, and sanders a little bit as he did well with these same voters in 2016. it may even help warren in a few places.

these voters made a conscious choice to vote against joe biden because they didn't think he could win, and the meaningless outcome in an uncompetitive conservative red state like south carolina shouldn't affect that - they will still vote against him because they will still think he can't win.

and, they're right.

jim clyburn & the illiterate voters of south carolina are wrong.

but, i can tell you who's smart and who's stupid, i can't control what they do. this was a mistake, but it's happened, and so be it.

expect klobuchar to see a spike in polling amongst literate suburban white women, who are probably the key to winning the general election.

and, i'll remind you that i used to be a bernie-or-bust sanders supporter but am now supporting the greens. i am not a party-first democratic voter; i'm not a democratic voter at all. i have rarely supported the democrats in past cycles; i have usually supported the greens. i'm an independent voice trying to analyze the problem objectively. so, i'm not a buttigieg supporter, or a klobuchar support, or a biden support or even a sanders supporter any more. there is a 0% chance i'd vote for any of these candidates, with the sole exception of bernie sanders, who i've stepped distinctly away from due to his decision to deprioritize the concerns of queer voters - a decision that has blown up in his face.