Sunday, March 1, 2020

the thing about the latin speakers is that they may be a little bit socially conservative, and that might freak me out, and should concern a lot of democratic voters (support for abortion rights would be expected to be lower amongst ideological catholics, for example), but they do believe in government programs.

they actually do want single payer healthcare, unlike a lot of his supporters in other parts of the country. they are at least voting for his platform, or at least, part of it.

so, it's this confusing thing. but, this support is probably enduring, at least.'s just that, issues about influence from conservative voices aside, it's not going to seriously help in a general until 2050. it's too far ahead of the demographics, and it might not even be the right way - by the time that hispanics are ready to become a dominant electoral force, they may find themselves overtaken by asians.

arizona. focus on arizona...