Tuesday, April 21, 2020

it makes you wonder.

correct me if i'm wrong, but i do believe that the assumption right now is that anybody that dies after having tested positive for the new virus died from it. they're not doing autopsies, or otherwise rigorously attempting to determine exact causes of death.

if flu deaths are unusually low, it opens up the question - how many deaths that we're assigning to covid-19 are actually in people that tested positive for covid-19, and actually died of the flu?

what kind of comorbidity is there? are they doing testing for it?

we could just be having a weak flu year. it happens. it was warm this year in europe, right?

but, i'm exceedingly skeptical that the reason flu deaths are down is due to distancing; i'd consider it far more likely that we're not getting the cause of death right in a lot of cases.
