Tuesday, April 21, 2020

see, as maclean's is the asshole of canadian journalism, it is no doubt looking at the situation from a liberal arts perspective, where grades are more important than knowledge. but, if you're studying something technical, you would have actually learned something in the period of classes that were cancelled, and you can't just waive that aside with a pass/fail option.

at some point, these kids have to write exams. that could be done at the high school level, by setting up online testing, which surely wouldn't be particularly difficult.

"but, i didn't study. classes were out."

well, i guess you'll fail the exam then, won't you?


or, the universities may set up a qualifying process.

but, we can't collapse into the fairy tale reality of a pass/fail system. such nonsense would permanently impugn the credibility of our academic system, and if i was an employer, i wouldn't even look at students that graduated in this period.

i know it's a bitter pill, but i would actually recommend that everybody cut their losses and repeat the year. if you're a high school student, you might have to skip that year off that's become standard. if you're a university student, you should just repeat the courses.
