Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"but, isn't democracy that idea that the majority rules? then, aren't markets literally democracy?"


there are very limited scenarios where democracy reduces to majority rule, but this is the exception, and people trying to reduce democracy to plurality are really perverting the concept.

a better way to understand the term democracy is as freedom of association and freedom of expression, and when you approach it from that direction, markets are often the literal negation of democracy, as they upend freedom of association.

anarchists tend to envision a future of small, decentralized groups defined by common interests. we consider peaceful coexistence to be a necessary corollary of decentralization, but we don't generally see much value in romanticizing some kind of concept of multiculturalism or tolerance - these are bourgeois, liberal concepts that are historically actually rather alien to the left.

so, for example, i would choose to completely disassociate myself from anybody practicing any kind of abrahamic religion, if i could - and that would be seen as an ideal, in an anarchist framework.

sometimes, we'll need to deal with issues of collective security, and we'll need to take straight-up votes and enforce a concept of collective will. anarchists would hope this would be very rare...