Wednesday, May 13, 2020

what they did was moronic and almost certainly made things worse.

what does the science actually say, here? the answer is threefold:

1) you need to be very careful that you're not too authoritarian, because authoritarianism always backfires. that's the key, central point that the science has always said, and that we completely ignored, because of evan "dumbass" solomon.

2) screening people is a good idea, but only to the extent that you don't scare them too much.

3) the focus at the border should be on monitoring the spread of the disease, not on preventing it from spreading. so, what you really want is to treat the border as a checkpoint.

there's still a lot of evan solomons out there, and they don't understand or care about science. they just want the trains to run on time. but, we need to move on...