Wednesday, May 13, 2020

if we repeat, we're going to skip the farce and go right to tragedy.

but, this article is based on a fundamental misunderstanding; we know now that what actually happened in 1918 was not a "second wave" but a mutated virus. in fact, there was a third wave, with a third mutation, as well.

it is true that there are valuable lessons to learn, but this article is unfortunately somewhat farcical in it's refusal to do so; no amount of prudence or careful planning will help us with a mutated virus, which will be like starting all over again. and, if the virus does not mutate, extending the lockdown will be pointless.

i'll remind you that i don't think the lockdown is working, anyways.

the technology we have today is incomparable to what they had then. we can collect samples in real time and track how the virus is spreading; if there is a lesson, it is in the technological determinism of being able to react to a mutation before it explodes, and that lies in the importance of testing, not in conservative planning.