Tuesday, July 21, 2020

"fat shaming" is actually one of the best examples i know of that demonstrates just how badly this new fake left has lost it's way, in it's descent into what is actually progressive/conservative backwardsness.

any halfways decent leftist really ought to argue that fat shaming is a good thing, if it works, because it removes the need for more aggressive approaches to address the very serious problem of widespread obesity in contemporary society. and, if it doesn't work, what that means is that we need to find a better approach to cutting down obesity rates.

and, these fake left idiots all just called me a fag for (1) using big words and (2) arguing that obesity is a public health issue. i mean, that's where we are with these people.

stop stigmatizing stroke survivors! it's just natural variation. so what if people have strokes? have you never had a stroke? so, let's all accept having strokes and be more positive about it.

it's organized retardation. really. it shouldn't be political; rather, these fucking idiots ought to be condemned across the spectrum as being unable to string together a coherent thought. this is something that ought to be denounced by everybody, everywhere.

instead, it's slowly being embraced by both sides, as the number of obese people continues to skyrocket, year over year.

leftists should be arguing that we need stronger means of informal social control, not this weird, defeatist position that we should accept that it's ok to be unhealthy, and everybody has else has to adjust to the presence of large proportions of the population constantly being dangerously overweight.