Saturday, August 15, 2020

i've read some other reviews of the raspberry as being overpowering, so it's not particularly surprising that it may be knocking me out. it's more how overpowering it is that is surprising me, but, as mentioned, i don't know how much that has to do with cutting out the nicotine after an accidental two-month relapse; these feel like normal "quitting smoking" feelings, so i don't know.

i know that it's less that the raspberry is unpleasant and more that i'm having difficulty taking control of it - it's just knocking me out. so, smoke with less raspberry? that doesn't make sense. if i smoke with less raspberry, i'm using more pot. like anything else, i'll need to experiment.

but, what i've decided is that any final decisions on mixtures are going to have a much higher caffeine content. that's the other option - forget about carefully dosing the raspberry leaves with the marijuana, and just overrun it all with the caffeine from the green tea, instead. that way, any increased potency brought on by the raspberry actually gets sustained.

the mixture i bought gets it's caffeine from gotu kola, and it's just not working. the green tea will at least be more powerful.

again: i want to move to edibles for normal, infrequent use. depending on how this goes, it could mean no more head caves - or no more smoking for head caves. the december head cave may involve eating chocolate in regular intervals for three weeks, instead.

but, any future spliffs are going to need more caffeine, one way or the other. tobacco is a stimulant, and the available strains seem designed mostly to encourage sleeping; it needs to be cut with an upper, or it's just going to turn you into a useless eater.

that's my lesson from the weekend, as difficult as the data currently is to interpret.