Saturday, August 15, 2020

no, i...

i don't understand prostitution, and i don't pretend i do. i'm revolted by actual consensual sex; the idea that you could ever stimulate actual, real consent in me by waving money at me is....the idea that there are people like that out there in the world that actually live that way makes me want to vomit.

but, i understand socialism, and there's simply no room for prostitution in a socialist framework. why would anybody trade money for sex in a reality where needs are always met? it just wouldn't & couldn't exist, as there would be nobody selling. and, frankly, i'd actually lean towards the idea that people that engage in truly consensual prostitution with no need to sell their labour for necessities have mental health issues and belong in hospitals.

so, i'm not going to sit here and pretend i understand prostitution; i don't get it. i never have and i probably never will.

but, i understand socialism, i understand that facilitating prostitution is just about the literal opposite of socialism and i understand that a truly socialist reality, that is a truly free reality, would treat consensual prostitution as a mental health issue.

as a socialist, i'm consequently more concerned with how to ensure nobody is ever forced into prostitution than i am in ways to legalize it or profit from it - as a rights issue, a labour concern.

if you follow this space, i've done as best a job i can trying to separate between this fake left that exists in the american mainstream and what socialism actually is.

they can say what they want, but i remain convinced that it just wouldn't happen in a truly free society.