Saturday, August 15, 2020

so, the drugs are gone and we'll be back to normalcy for a few weeks, at least. i don't see any reason to leave the house until the end of the month. and, we'll try this again when i've eradicated all of this disgusting tolerance, and with a better medium than nicotine/tobacco. let's hope it works out better on the second try.

in the end, it was the low quality of the pot that established itself, which served to clarify the point - the store has a fairly wide selection (they're selling hash now, too), but it's hard to find high dosage strains and the price doesn't seem to have much of an effect on what you actually get. i kind of got used to it, and i enjoyed the summer for what it was, but the pot is garbage, and i'm trying to mix it up like tea for a reason.

the example i used before was lettuce or peppers at the store. when you walk into a grocery store, you at least have a choice between the pre-shrink-wrapped peppers in the plastic wrapping, or the fresh peppers on the shelf. you know that the fresh pepper is better, but maybe you're cheap or lazy, which is what the shrink-wrapped pepper is for.

some people, like me, will walk out of a store if there's no fresh produce, if you're stuck with the shrink wrap. that's what this feels like.....

i want to be able to walk into a store and pick out fresh product off the shelf, and this won't survive in the long run if that isn't allowed for.

what it's done, for me, is drive me to edibles as a first option. i mean, that's at least standardized, right? there's actually 2 mg in the piece of chocolate, and you have a good idea of what you're getting and how to adjust to it.

i've been working over the summer, i don't want to claim i haven't been. but, it's been dry, and i've retraced my steps repeatedly. as mentioned, i have final final updates being worked through right now; that has been stagnant this weekend, i'll admit. so, i'll be back to that soon, and i want to push through it very quickly.

for today, i'm going to be doing laundry, tidying up loose garbage that's been building up and working on cleaning myself up substantively. which means i'm watching the quantum entanglement lecture for the first time in a while....

i just didn't eat at all for days over the summer, but i've got a bowl of pasta in front of me just right now :)

(one more left after that before the switch to a total eggs diet)