Friday, September 25, 2020

and to clarify a point...

when we left for bc in mid 2003, sarah was a few months shy of 19 and i had just turned 22. so, she would have been ending first year (if she had decided to cash in her basketball scholarship) and i would have been ending third year if i had gone for the full semester, but i was born in january, which meant i was always a year older, and i was in the last class that had grade 13 (she ended at grade 12).

we were both immature, in different ways.

just dumb kids.

while i've mentioned that she ended up impregnated by somebody nearly three times her age, i don't think either of us felt the age difference was particularly daunting at the time, and i'd be surprised to hear her speak negatively of it, now.

generally, independent young women around that age seek out somebody a few years older, and sexually immature people like myself (for whatever reason) find themselves more comfortable looking beyond their direct peer groups.

she initiated everything. but, it was otherwise pretty "normal".