Friday, September 25, 2020

it's reflective of the power that the sikh lobby has as a special interest group in this country. they're a group that is dramatically over-represented at every level of the political system, for the reason that they have very deep pockets.

i oppose the mask laws, outright - i think this is a personal choice, and any mask law is an infringement of s. 7. so, i wouldn't support forcing anybody to wear a mask at work, unless you can come up with some reason that it should be a part of the uniform - which would apply strictly to nurses and doctors, and maybe cooks.

but, if you're going to have a mask law, it should apply equally to everybody. these kinds of arguments about "religious exemptions" are specious bullshit and should be eradicated from the constitution altogether. it was the single biggest mistake his father made (under heavy pressure from people like ralph klein peter lougheed, in truth), and, sadly, just about the only thing he seems to have inherited from him.

and, while they're at it, they should force these mounties to clean themselves up a little and shave that tree off their face. there was a time when that was considered a part of basic decorum. it's just gross.