Wednesday, September 2, 2020

i recently suggested that carbon capture was going to be inevitable, whether we like it or not, but we want to avoid turning it into an industry, and this report from a usually reliable left of centre source is consequently very disappointing. the purpose of any carbon capture proposal should not be to make money or create jobs, to the point that any approaches towards it should specifically be budgeted in such a way so that they create structural deficits - this should be unprofitable by design, so as to avoid creating an enterprise around the process, and to prevent anybody from profiting from it. we should be looking at this the same way that we look at health care, not as another way to exploit the environment to maximize accumulation.

so, they want to talk about essentially building factories that eliminate carbon from the air and operate essentially as power plants. i promise you that this will increase total emissions, and if you buy into this you're just a useful idiot.

generally speaking, if you're approaching the climate crisis as a way to "greenify capitalism", you're just running on the spot. we need to get beyond capitalism, and we've run out of time to play footsie with the capitalists and hope we can seize ownership in the long run.

better ideas would be around planting trees, and creating other structures that essentially act like trees, even if they're not trees. so, we could engineer materials that trap carbon from the air and line them up on the roads, or all over our buildings. there's been work with materials that are sponge-like (to increase surface area) and are a better way forward than a power plant masquerading as ccs.

green may refer to the environment.

it could also refer to greenbacks...

as these issues become more prominent, it is important that we only accept post-capitalist solutions that are likely to actually work and are clear in rejecting and turning away capitalists that want to talk about jobs and gdp, and are ultimately just using it as another angle to make money.