Saturday, September 19, 2020

i walked by a woman working at the grocery store today that almost ripped her mask off and walked out when she saw me.

jealous is an understatement. 

i overheard her say "and, i have to wear this fucking mask. it's not fair."

but, she'll shut up and do it, because she has bills to pay.

don't mistake compliance for consensus. there's clearly a lot of anger just under the surface. and, this new restriction on gatherings may be a tipping point.

or, not. it's hard to say.

the left needs some leadership willing to fight back against these conservative policies being pushed down by the state, and it's not going to be me. i can be subversive, i can lead by example, but i can't organize.

if somebody can, and does, they may find themselves with a very large audience, very fast.