Thursday, September 3, 2020

maybe the democrats have managed to confuse themselves with their own propaganda...

see, according to the democrat intelligentsia, the reason michigan swung to trump is that it's full of racists. despite the fact that it voted for obama twice, and voted against clinton - largely due to extreme apprehension about clinton's role in pushing through nafta, and similar concerns about the tpp.

so, if you follow the democrat intelligentsia, they lost votes because they weren't racist....meaning the way to win back votes is to be more racist, and generally appeal to conservative voters.

but, it wasn't conservative voters that stayed home in 2016, it was white and black liberals that balked at both options and said "fuck it, the wings are on". as it is a primarily white liberal state (albeit a little less white than wisconsin or minnesota), trying to win michigan by appealing to racist conservatives, when the opponent is their wet dream, is really barking up the wrong tree.

so, not only does seeking rick snyder's endorsement not help with the important white liberal demographic, or with the largely not-in-play trump voters, but it's also going to create apathy in black voters. i mean, they just got rid of this guy a few months ago, and they fought hard to do it. now, he's endorsing the democratic candidate for president?

i'm imagining the following bumper stickers:

biden for president - he'll bring back snyder!