Wednesday, October 14, 2020

it's not exactly that she's wrong, it's more that she's only half right.

it is true that indoor events are spreading the virus. but, that means that they should be closing everything indoors, including churches, schools, shopping malls, grocery stores...

keying on one type of indoor transmission and ignoring the rest is not "following the evidence", it's scapegoating an industry that the government's base doesn't utilize, while allowing the industries that the government's voters do utilize a free pass.

don't let them pull the wool over your eyes on this, ottawa, by telling you it's evidence-based. it's not.

this is a right-wing government steeped in religious ideology and what they're doing is scapegoating the sinners.

and, if they shut down a few opium dens in the process to make way for some more mosques, they won't be crying about it.