Friday, October 16, 2020

so, why isn't hydro the centre of every energy plan, then?

well, i told you already - it's really about money.

hydro has high startup costs, but it is incredibly cheap to generate - and, if you're a government in the back pocket of some investor like soros, that's a death-blow against it. so, they push things like nuclear and solar that, while nowhere near as efficient, generate a lot more money. 

they'll tell you it's about jobs - just like the oil industry does. and, for the most part, these false answers are still relying on fossil fuels enough that they're really just spin-offs of the petro-chemical industry, anyways. so, if your solar or nuclear power sales dude in the liberal party sounds more and more like jason kenney in pushing jobs as the reason for the investment, there's a tremendous amount of logic underlying that, and the money trail more or less ends up in the same place.

if they built the hydro plants using public money, they'd have no reason to charge you in the end, other than to recoup building costs, which happens relatively fast at high use. 

so, they sabotage it at every point - it's the only sustainable option, but it's not profitable enough.

and, that's why we're all going to die if we don't get at the root cause of the problem, which always has been the profit motive.

bourgeois neo-liberal banker's parties like the liberals and the ndp can build the infrastructure, but that's only step one in solving the crisis. we'll need to seize ownership of the means of generation, in the end, if we want to seriously solve the crisis.