Friday, October 16, 2020

the re-establishment of tensions in armenia appear to be about the russians opening up a second front in the proxy war it's fighting against turkey in syria, which is hard to fault them for, given that the turks are refusing to pull out.

the hope is obviously to distract them, to pull away some troops from the syrian border. but, the turks should be able to handle both fronts at once with minimal concerns.

so, the russians are going to have to flatten idlib, and they should absolutely do it, and i don't really see the value of starting another front in the war - unless the russians have larger designs in the region, which doesn't seem sustainable.

i don't think turkey should exist at all - it's a fake country built on an invading ruling class that usurped power from the rightful inhabitants of the region, namely the greeks. the russians are the rightful heir to constantinople, and anybody with a decent grasp of history realizes that. for the greeks to retake constantinople would be the righting of a historical wrong. but, we're talking about a major war, here.

if this is long term, there are perhaps minimal causes for concern.

but, i would ask the russians to be careful that they don't move too aggressively, too quickly; while i support an eventual russian entry into the bosphorus as a correct unfolding of history, as the reversal of a historical wrong, the timeframes need to be in decades, if not centuries.

easy does it, vlad - it's historical, perhaps, but it's not worth it if it's not executed carefully. it's not worth the death and chaos and destruction.