Thursday, November 19, 2020

i do need to point something out about my fake ceasar, though, which i stumbled into this morning, entirely by accident.

i was getting to the end of the frank's. you know how that happens - you end up with the pasty bit on the side, and you don't want to waste it, so you just add a little bit of extra water to the glass bottle, you give it a shake and voila, you've got an extra day or two of hot sauce. you may be too bourgeois to admit it, but you know you do this - and if you don't, you should. there's nothing cool about wasting food, you upper class pig.

it was this little bit of extra water that let the soy finally whisk properly, and fluff up like a caesar does.

so, i got my right combination, finally - it's just a dash of water. a tablespoon. a teaspoon. that's all. i'll have to work it out with trial and error, but i can take it from the pasta water.

i'll need to wait until the beginning of december before i can get the rest of these ingredients - anchovies, garlic, and i'm toying with just a touch of store-bought caesar to give it a lift - but i finally got it, and it did work.

this will whisk up into a cream, and it's just loaded with vitamins:

- fortified vanilla soy 
- frank's red hot
- fortified probiotic yogurt
- high retinol cheddar cheese
- i'm currently using garlic salt, but will move to celery salt when i run out
- ground pepper
- nutritional yeast 
- sunflower & hemp seeds
- chopped fresh lime
just a spoonful of water

+ chopped garlic, anchovies, some kind of olives, soy bacon bits, fresh oregano & i'm still holding out on the smallest bit of mustard, maybe, although not right now